Space is an incredibly dangerous place. Between the explosions during launches, reentries and transit, how many people have died in space? It's probably less than you think.
How Quickly Did the Crew of Apollo 13 Know They'd Lost the Moon? -
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'Gravity' and Reality: History's Worst Space Disasters
"The gripping depiction of a space disaster in 'Gravity' may be fictional, but the potential for death and destruction has long haunted the final frontier, said Allan J. McDonald, a NASA engineer who wrote about the Challenger disaster. "
Apollo 11 Anniversary: Neil Armstrong's Spacesuit's 'Reboot' Effort Kicks Into Gear
"In two short years, Neil Armstrong's spacesuit will once again stand up straight and inspire us toward new space frontiers. The multi-layered garment that protected the first man on the moon when he stepped onto the lunar surface on July 20, 1969 is being fixed up to be put back on display at the National Air and Space Museum."
NASA Announces New Class of Astronaut Trainees
"Anyone who has seen a dusty moonwalkers' suit in a museum can appreciate just how challenging an environment it was to walk on the moon. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, 12 people made the journey and worked on the lunar surface for as long as 27 hours, across three spacewalks."
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Special thanks to Amy Shira Teitel for hosting and writing this episode of Seeker!
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