Simulated flyover view of Mars. This is a region of upturned terrain tabbed Hydraotes Chaos. Researchers found an warmed-over mud lake in this region, which you can see whence virtually minute 2:35. Could this mud lake on Mars hold traces of warmed-over microbial life? The data for the simulation is from ESA’s Mars Express orbiter. Video via ESA/ DLR/ FU Berlin.
On Earth, water ways life. So warmed-over lakes on Mars would be good places to squint for Martian life. On October 18, 2023, researchers at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, announced they’ve found vestige for an warmed-over mud lake on Mars. They said it’s an platonic place for preserving microscopic biosignatures on Mars – vestige of past or present life – if such life overly existed.
They said a mud lake is a lake with accumulating muddy sediments on the bottom. You can see the mud lake on Mars in the video above, starting virtually 2:35. It’s near Mars’ northern lowlands, in a region of ramified terrain, thought to have worked from warmed-over inflowing channels and aquifers.
The researchers – led by Alexis Rodriguez at the Planetary Science Institute – published their peer reviewed paper in Scientific Reports (Nature) on October 18.
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An warmed-over mud lake on Mars in Hydraotes Chaos
The mud lake is in a region tabbed Hydraotes Chaos, which is just whilom the equinoctial near the east end of the massive pass Valles Marineris. This zone is what scientists undeniability upturned terrain or chaos terrain, where aquifers once existed unelevated the surface. In fact, the mud lake’s source of water was the aquifers in this area. The drier surface tabular whilom the aquifers in this region, creating the jumbled “chaotic” terrain we see today.
Drainage – the natural removal of glut water – from the aquifers moreover worked the sedimentary plains within Hydraotes Chaos. Those sediments, once rich in water, could have preserved traces of warmed-over Martian microorganisms, just as they do on Earth. That subsurface environment could moreover have persisted long without all the water zestless up on the surface and became inhospitable.
Rodriguez said:
Our research focuses on a sedimentary unit within Hydraotes Chaos, which we interpret to be the remnants of a mud lake worked by discharges from gas-charged mudstone stratigraphy dating when to nearly 4 billion years ago, a time when the surface of Mars was likely habitable. These sediments might harbor vestige of life from that or subsequent periods. It is important to remember that the subsurface of Mars might have included habitability lasting the elapsing of life’s history on Earth.
A ramified landscape
In addition, warmed-over inflowing channels, thousands of miles long, cut wideness the Martian surface and end in the northern lowlands. Scientists have long postulated that a former ocean once filled these lowlands. The channels caused wide-stretching erosion and released subsurface sediments from the aquifers. That material now covers much of the northern lowlands. This complexity of the landscape can make it difficult to study the warmed-over aquifers. As Rodriguez explained:
Venturing into the northern plains for sampling could prove precarious, as distinguishing between materials sourced from the aquifers and those eroded and transported during waterworks insemination could wilt an intricate task. The plains, situated within Hydraotes Chaos, offer a unique glimpse into warmed-over aquifer materials. These plains, which we think worked from mud extruding into a valley directly whilom their source aquifer, provide a increasingly targeted exploration opportunity. Unlike vast inflowing channels with their ramified erosion patterns, this finding simplifies the viewing of Martian aquifers, reducing the risk of overland sedimentary acquisition, and opens a new window into Mars’ geological past.
There are moreover mud volcanoes in this region. Those small volcanoes once released wet sediments containing salts to the surface, instead of hot magma.
Huge water-filled caverns
In wing to the aquifers – which are water-rich porous waddle – there were moreover huge water-filled chambers in this upturned terrain. Co-author Bryan Travis at the Planetary Science Institute said:
Our numerical models reveal a fascinating story. The lake’s source aquifer likely originated from phase segregation within the mudstone, forming vast water-filled chambers, several kilometers wide and hundreds of meters deep. This process was likely triggered by intrusive igneous activity. Moreover, the observed segmented subsidence wideness the upturned terrain suggests an interconnected network of chambers, depicting stable water-filled giant caverns, some reaching kilometers in widths and lengths, way larger than any known Earth counterparts.

Mud lake on Mars could preserve warmed-over biomolecules
The resulting mud lake would have been an platonic place to preserve any biomolecules (biological molecules) associated with life. Rodriguez said:
Initially, biomolecules could have been sparse throughout the volume of large groundwater-filled cavities. As the water was released to the surface and ponded, the water went away, leaving overdue lags of sediments and potentially upper concentrations of biomolecules.
As the paper said:
The meltwater, originating from varying thermally unauthentic mudstone depths, could have potentially harbored diverse biosignatures, which could have wilt well-matured within the lake’s sedimentary residue.
A mission to Hydraotes Chaos?
The sediments left overdue on the surface, from the original aquifers, are still there today. They would be a good target for sampling in a future Mars mission. And in fact, NASA is considering doing just that, as co-author Mary Beth Wilhelm, at NASA Ames Research Center, noted:
NASA Ames is considering the plains as a possible landing site for a mission to search for vestige of biomarkers, specifically lipids. These biomolecules are extremely resistant and could have endured billions of years on Mars.
The paper added:
Thus, we propose that Hydraotes Chaos merits priority consideration in future missions aiming to snift Martian biosignatures.
Co-author Jeffrey Kargel at the Planetary Science Institute added:
In addition, the study region includes widespread mud volcanoes and possible diapirs, providing spare windows into subsurface, potentially habitable rocks. A small rover could, within short distances, sample the mud lake sediments and these materials, dramatically increasing the odds of biosignature detection.
Bottom line: Researchers at the Planetary Science Institute said that an warmed-over mud lake on Mars would be an platonic place to search for vestige of warmed-over microbial life.
Source: Exploring the vestige of Middle Amazonian aquifer sedimentary outburst residues in a Martian upturned terrain