Join the audience for a live webinar at 2 p.m. GMT on 11 November 2020 exploring the Proteox5mK system from Oxford Instruments
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Low-electron temperatures are a key requirement to explore exotic quantum states such as Majorana ferions and Fibonacci particles, with potential applications towards topological qubits and next-generation quantum processors.
This webinar introduces the Proteox5mK system from Oxford Instruments, an ultra-low base temperature system designed to allow researchers to achieve their lowest electron temperatures for improved resolution in quantum transport measurements, such as the fractional quantum hall effect.
Further benefits are discussed, with the high cooling power and low vibration applicable to a wider range of applications.
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James Robinson graduated with a materials science degree from the University of Oxford. He gained a background in plasma technology prior to joining Oxford Instruments Nanoscience as a product manager for the company’s ultra-low temperature systems. Responsible for the new Proteox® system, James has developed a vast knowledge of its usability and unique features that makes it an ideal alternative tool for the low-temperature research.